Paros International Jazz Summer Academy (July 19-25 2015)
Δημοσιεύτηκε 26/5/2015 11:56
The duration of the academy is five intensive days of jazz classes and is catering for the needs of musicians and singers with some experience in the genre, who would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Jazz, as well as improve their technical aptitude and skills under the guidance of professional musicians and experienced teachers.
- Jazz piano & more G. Kontrafouris
- Jazz vocal lab Terri Vakirtzoglou & Fenia Papadodima
- guitar workshop “from classic to Jazz” V. Racopoulos
- double bass master classes * P. Klabanis
- brass & reeds Jazz phrasing & improvisation A. Ladopoulos
- Jazz & modern drumming V. Podaras
* ( 20 & 21/07)
Daily lessons with the following instruments:
Jazz Vocal Class - Brazilian Vocal Class - Saxophone - Electric and Acoustic Guitar - Piano - Electric and Upright Bass - Drums - Group Workshops
All students have the opportunity also to practice in Jam Sessions, organized in the evenings at the Albatross Hotel.
General Program
10.00-13.00 rhythmic / ear tuning & training, lectures, instrumental classes
13.00-14.30 lunch break
14.30-17.00 workshops / group sessions
In the program are included 2 concerts and 3 Jam sessions at Albatross Hotel - Logaras & at the Jazz club “bebop” in Parikia.
Αnalytical program:
1st day Sunday 19/07
Arrival and welcome at the Albatross with Jam session Ι
2nd day Monday 20 / 07
10.00 -12.00 auditions / group separation
12.00 -13.00 instrumental classes
14.30 – 17.00 workshops / selection of repertory
3rd day Τuesday 21 / 07
10.00 -13.00 instrumental classes
14.30 – 17.00 workshops
4rth day Wednesday 22/07
10.00 -13.00 instrumental classes
14.30 - 17.00 workshop
21.00 Jazz in Paros concert at Paros Park (G. Kontrafouris, Terri Vakirtzoglou , Fenia Papadodima, Racopoulos, Ladopoulos, Podaras)
5th day Thursday23/07
10.00-17.00 free day/daily cruise
21.30 gig & Jam session ΙΙ at Albatross
6th day Friday 24 / 07
10.00 -13.00 10.00 -13.00 instrumental classes
14.30 – 17.00 preparation of students concert
21.30 gig & Jam session ΙΙΙ at bebop
7th day Saturday 25 / 07
10.00 -13.00 concert preparation
19.00-20.00 sound check
21.00 students concert